Wednesday, 6 April 2016

A Very Happy Day

Today was a good day. A very good day. I have tried not to speak of my disability too much so I don't bore everyone today but I have to mention it as it has been such a happy day.

For over a year, I have struggled to walk at all and have been wheelchair bound or relying on my beloved zim-zim (zimmer frame) around the house.  I've fallen more times than I care to remember and have honestly feared for my baby's life whilst I was pregnant with Sebastian.

My operation was just over two weeks ago and we didn't expect too much from it. We expected my pain to be reduced in ways but it could have flared up due to another condition affecting my ankle. We didn't expect any improvement mobility wise and believed I'd need various other operations and treatment before I would get any kind of improved mobility.

Today, I walked to the park using my crutches.  I know it may only be 20 metres down the road but I walked there none the less.  We, as a family, went our of the house with only a pushchair on wheels with far less stress and hassle than we have done for the last year and it felt incredible!

I know giving birth to my children and getting married to the love of my life are the best days of my life but this came pretty close!

I have a long way to go as I am now in a lot of pain after the walk and I have sensitivity back quite bad (read up on CRPS or COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME if you're interested) but I feel like I've accomplished something. We (including myself before my accident) take walking for granted and when I became pregnant,  I dreamed of taking my children to the park or to a theme park and enjoying it with them. I dreamed of going to the beach and playing with them just like any other parent does.  I dreamed of packing the kids up on a weekend and going camping or going on family holidays last minute if we wished. For a long while, it seemed those dreams had completely gone however, now I have a positivity back that I haven't had for a long time! I often get sideswiped by my health so not being too confident but I'm happy and that's the main thing!

Anyway here's some photos from the day - not my usual blog attire but hey, I don't always wear make up and dress ok! 😂😆😉

 My little lady with her Mr Tumble's spotty bag! Happy to be going on a trip with mummy!
 Smiley little lady all excited!
 Me after the crazy wind outside!  Nearly blew me over!

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